Sunday, November 23, 2008

When did Danny have such and influence?

OK, so Danny saw me reading the book -- it's totally depressing... I started reading it and had to put it down because I felt like I was watching a Zoloft commercial:

"Do you feel lonely? Tired? Sad? Depressions is real. . . "

Like I said, I heard really good things about this book... I just hope it gets a little happier.

Anyway, um.... Danny saw my book "THE SHACK, by William P. Young" ... and said, "Hey, I read The Shaq Once... it was about Shaquille O'Neil." But um, seriously Darth... change the picture. It's creeping me out.

Since we're going to MCO (airport code for Orlando) in less than a week, I'm pretty sure I'll get some quality reading time.

I also told him (Danny) if he joins book club, he can pick the book... maybe we'll get our chance to read about "the shaqtus" (his words, not mine) down the road... but until then:

THE SHACK, by William P. Young (not the NBA player)

Also Cic, I think Coraline is a cool name... and so is Cora... but I think people would ask your daughter if her name was Caroline, a lot... but who cares?


Cicely said...

I already "The Shaq." I've had better.

Cora is out.

Spencer Davis said...

I'm with you Sabrina. I'm not loving it so far. I would love to have Danny join the book club.