Thursday, November 13, 2008

Have you Guys Got the Book Yet?

So just as a reminder, the book we are reading for November is: THE SHACK, by William P. Young.

Please tell your friends and servants...

And Cicely, I nominated you a long time ago to change out the photo of our new books... Maybe Spencer can teach us how to do that one thing that says "what we're reading now" and get more than one book up there?

I've never been in a book club before. And since Friday is my last day of work for while; I want to make sure my outlets are thriving. ;)


Spencer Davis said...

I tried to update the picture, but it appears that I do not have permission to do so.

Sabrena Suite-Mangum said...

Hmmm, that's problematic Darth... Hey, do you know Danny's middle name is "Garth" ... I wonder where that ranks in Jedi-bad guy coolness.

Cicely said...

Apparently this book is a lot harder to come by then I thought. I'm hoping to get it before Wednesday so I can read it on my way to Ohio.

Cicely said...

ps. I think I just gave both of you admin access. Darth, try again.