Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Darth- what are we reading for February? Maybe this month we could actually discuss the book.

ps. I admit December's choice was not the best.



Sabrena Suite-Mangum said...

no kidding... (um, I didn't read Dec's.) ;)

But yes Darth, tell us what we're reading. And Cic, Danny tried to join but I don't know how to give him posting rights... little help?

Spencer Davis said...

My choice would be "The Choice" by Nicholas Sparks. Allison got it for me for Christmas and I really want to read it. I don't think you can go wrong with anything written by the man who gave us A Walk To Remember and The Notebook.

If that doesn't suit your fancy then I have a whole long list of sci-fi/fantasy books that I want to read and I could suggest a few of those.

Sabrena Suite-Mangum said...

I'm in... Danny loves the Notebook (ok the movie, don't think he's read the book).

I'm in...