Thursday, November 26, 2009

So I had an idea...

So I was thinking - since I am so crappy at reading the books on our book club list- and hardly anyone EVER posts, that maybe we should use Book CLub blog as a place to promote books we like or that we are reading...

You may be thinking 'but sabrena, can't I just do that on my own blog?'

And the answer is 'yes'...

But I think we should post them here anywhere. (And you can just link your blog to here if you ever post something.)

After turkey day I will start...


Spencer Davis said...

I like it. I'm sure you guys really want to know whats going on in book 4 of the epic fantasy series that I am reading so I'll make sure to contribute as well.

Cicely said...

That sounds great, but i kind of still wish we were reading a book a month too.

3703 said...

Lets get it going again. I feel like my book killed the club and I want my chance to redeem myself.

Cicely said...

amen. what will we be reading for March?

Cicely said...

amen. what will we be reading for March?