Saturday, September 20, 2008


Cicely (and everyone else who has not written in this blog for ages);

Um, what book are we reading now?  Spence said he was still working on the Vampire books... so um, are we going to revitalize this thing or what? 

And we even had someone ask to join our book club (of course you can join).  But if we NEVER spend time here then how are we even going to have a book club.

Right now I am reading "what to Expect" and "Touchpoints 1-3" but I am dying for a book that's a page turner that I can't put down and can easily be completed in a few flights (I used to be able to sleep on planes.  Not so much any more). 

So what's the deal, who's with me?!?!?!
What's our next book?

P&P was and is always fabulous... but it's been a few months so if you haven't finished Lizzie and William Fitzpatrick's big story, you might want to look into renting the movie (or movies. I prefer the extended 7 hour BBC version to Kiera Knightly's (sp?) bit... but it was still good.)

Love - 
Mother of Holden 


Cicely said...

No way. I seriously haven't looked on this page for months and months and you just posted something. Unreal.

I'm in if you are.

Right now I am reading- The Professor and the Madman by Simon Winchster. It is about the making of the Oxford English Dictionary.

I don't know if you would be interested in that- it's not so much a page turner as it is a book where you turn the pages. ...

I like it, but I'm almost done and ready to start something new. It's up to you. You get to decide.


Spencer Davis said...

To be honest I just said that I was still working on the vampire book to be annoying and stall things up. I was never actually reading it. I never thought it would have the effect that it did.

I am also in. The book Cicely is reading sounds super boring and if you want me to actually read a book then I suggest that we not read any more garbage from Stone Cold Jane Austin. As many of you know I've made live vow to myself never to read anything by her.

My suggestion would be Coraline by Neil Gaiman. Its supposed to be really good and trippy and they are making it into an animated cartoon movie. It would be a short quick read and I'd like to read it before the movie comes out. Thats my vote.

Sabrena Suite-Mangum said...

OK Darth -

Yeah, well the Twilight movie comes out soon too... and I'd like you to read that before it comes out, but I don;t see that happening.

However, I'm in... If it sux though, you have to WATCH the 7 hour BBC version of P&P with Colin Firth... (thus protecting your street cred from not reading the book, but getting the cliff notes experience.)

OK, so Coraline it is... Read-Set-Read!

Where can I find this book? Do I have to be part of some underground hessian battle space galactica nerd herd to find it, or is Barnes & Noble an option? ;)

Cicely said...

I'm in. Lets hope it doens't suck.