Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Henry Blows.

Here is why:

She is way too good for him. He is a dirty alcoholic nympho. I keep trying to like him, but the more I read about him- the more annoyed I am. He is just like every other douche bag out there and the only thing interesting about him is time travel. And even that isn't that interesting. He's not doing any good- he's not helping people- in fact, if anything he is hurting people. I want him to be interested in something other than sex and drinking.

Am I the only one?

I hope for the sake of the book and for Clare that he gets better.


Spencer Davis said...

Well, I'm only about 2 hours into a 17 hour book CD, so I'm still getting to know Henry, but I can't help but think that he's kinda sorta a pedophile.

I have not read anything about him being a drunk, except that Clare mentioned that drinking makes his condition worse.

As for the stealing, apparently the Space Time Continuum is a cruel mistress and Henry must bow to her stiff rule of law. It is out of his hands. How else is he going to get clothes and food when he time travels?

Cicely said...

I'm just saying- he's crappy.

Cicely said...

My point was proven to me when the next thing I read after this was written was Clare being questioned as to why she is with Henry and all she can think to say is: He's really good in bed.
